Disk No: 2431 Disk Title: Code to Code PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Code to Code Author Version: 1.2 Author Registration: $29.00 Special Requirements: None. CODE-TO-CODE, the "Norton Utilities" of desktop publishing does two things to make desktop publishing (DTP) easier. First it lets you edit and change your typesetting codes from DTP programs like Ventura Publisher, XyWrite III, Magna, Penta, or any word processor that can produce an ASCII version (most do) of a file. To do this it takes a DTP file and separates it into two file; one with the typesetting codes and one with the written text. Now you can edit the text file in your favorite word processor and use CODE-TO-CODE's search and replace features to make changes to the typesetting code file. Then when your done making changes, CODE-TO-CODE will combine the two files the same way it split them. CODE-TO-CODE also makes working with large files easier. It's easily splits large files into smaller ones. You can do this by either specifying a group of characters to split on, or a maximum size of the split files (64K maximum). Then CODE-TO-CODE easily recombines them. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.